The Retail Wholesale Union is an Industrial Union proudly representing members across Canada. We are a group of workers who formed into a Retail Wholesale Union for the protection of each other and for the security of being able to have some say in our working future. Join us in organizing your workplace and be part of the Retail Wholesale Union family.
Welcome to a Union that is dedicated to helping you find success, security, and satisfaction at work. This Union believes very strongly in the dignity of each member. We understand to gain your loyalty and respect, we must earn it.
We are proud of our history and accomplishments. This Union has faced many battles supporting its members over the years. Unionism is an important worker right. Collective bargaining and collective agreements are the main means that workers have to improve the conditions and benefits of their work. We are at our best when we consider and act to do better for all the members in our group.
Union members should never serve their personal needs by sacrificing the welfare of others.
It is very important to remember that there are advantages, disadvantages and two sides to every problem. We must always consider the long-range point of view. Ignore the temptation of letting the future take care of itself. Guide ourselves by remembering that the Union must continue serving long after we are gone.
This does not mean a Union member should be reluctant to make demands of the management. It does mean however, that demands should be well founded and just.
If you are a long-term member of the Retail Wholesale Union, lend a helping hand to new members. Talk about the Retail Wholesale Union proudly and urge new members to be supportive. Real Union members are helpful and easy to talk to. They never forget they were once beginners.
and power in the union.

Why Organize with RWU?
- Foster and develop an environment where you are treated with dignity and respect.
- Upon application, your terms of employment are frozen until a collective agreement is signed.
- Level up the playing field and negotiate with your employer as equals.
- Union membership means you’re united with a larger group of workers, supporting one another and working towards the same goals.
- Union membership allows you and your co-workers to negotiate your own collective agreement which includes wages, benefits and working conditions.
- Shop stewards, reps, advocates, and lawyers provide representation, and defend the interests of their members against unfair discipline or dismissal.