Dedicated to Your Success
We’re a Union that is dedicated to helping you find success, security, and satisfaction at work. At Retail Wholesale Union, we believe very strongly in the dignity of each member. We understand to gain your loyalty and respect, we must earn it.
We are proud of our history and accomplishments. This Union has faced many battles supporting its members over the years. Unionism is an important worker right. Collective bargaining and collective agreements are the main means that workers have to improve the conditions and benefits of their work. We are at our best when we consider and act to do better for all the members in our group.
Our Purpose is as Follows:
- To regulate the terms and conditions of employment between its members and the employers with whom it has collective bargaining relationships.
- To obtain for all members the best possible standards of compensation and other conditions of employment through the collective bargaining relationship it has with the employers.
- To represent, protect, maintain and advance the interests of its members and to ensure that its members are treated justly in their dealings with their employers.
- To organize the unorganized.
- To directly or indirectly promote and further the interests of its members and of working people through social, cultural, financial and educational services.
- To strengthen the Union and its membership by promoting the unity and solidarity of unions and their members.
- To adhere to human rights principals and to the principals of non-discrimination in its dealings with its members.
- To support and carry out the purposes and policies of the Union.
- To practice true democracy within the Union.
- To end occupational injury and disease and to promote health and safety in the workplace.

We’re With You Every Step of the Way, in Solidarity.
Members of the Retail Wholesale Union pride ourselves in lending a helping hand to new members. We talk about the Retail Wholesale Union proudly and urge new members to be supportive. Real Union members are helpful and easy to talk to. Remember that there is strength in solidarity and power in the union.